HumRRO offers innovative custom solutions to a wide variety of federal government agencies.

They include developing employee selection and promotion assessments; evaluating training, educational, and leader development programs; analyzing human capital data; and conducting policy, modeling, and simulation studies.

HumRRO Serves the Federal Government

The services we provide, tailored uniquely to each client’s goals, are grounded in a deep understanding of the federal sector and a collaborative and nimble working style.

Specific examples of our work in the federal sector include:

Cutting edge, rich media online simulations for both employee selection and leadership development purposes.

One of these assessment programs was recognized with a 2013 HR Impact Award sponsored by the Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM) and the Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology.

Dozens of recent job analysis and competency modeling efforts for many different federal job series.

Includes the Intelligence Analyst and Special Agent positions at the Federal Bureau of Investigation and all Transportation Security Officer (TSO) jobs at the Transportation Security Administration.

Rigorously developed and implemented assessment centers, frequently used for promotion purposes.

Used by agencies including the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives (ATF) and the Social Security Administration (SSA). For example, HumRRO developed knowledge exams and assessment centers for multiple supervisory ranks at a large public safety federal agency, administered in groups of 30 to 400 candidates.

Return on Learning Experience (ROLE) Model™

A comprehensive evaluation of DoD’s premier leadership development program for civilian employees (the Defense Senior Leader Development Program, or DSLDP).

This work contributed to the development of HumRRO’s own evaluation framework, the Return on Learning Experience (ROLE) Model™.

Integrated skills-based certification programs.

Developed for the Veterans Benefits Administration that span multiple claims processing representative jobs and include multiple-choice knowledge components as well as simulation-based analysis and In-Basket exercises.

Leading the development of a pre-employment assessment battery for selecting air traffic controllers (the Air Traffic Standardized Aptitude Test, or AT-SAT).

This work won the Society for Industrial and Organizational (I-O) Psychology’s M. Scott Myers Award, which honors examples of outstanding I-O practice in the workplace.

Learn more about our services for clients in the federal government sector:

Beth Bynum - Director, Public Sector

For more information about our services, contact:

Bethany Bynum, Ph.D.

Business Development Director, Public Sector