Consider the following:
- What mission-critical competencies will be required of military personnel, enlisted or officer, for future operations?
- Can assessments of work-vocational interests and other non-cognitive competencies (e.g., work styles, work values) be developed that are fake resistant and predictive of the performance and retention of military personnel?
- What pieces of knowledge and skills are needed by entry-level cyber warriors?
- What person and situational factors best predict insider attacks? How do these factors combine to predict attacks?
- Can virtual, interactive simulations improve the assessment of officer potential? Can the same or comparable simulations enhance officer development by providing in-time, on-demand development opportunities?

Important questions, and…
..all questions that HumRRO is proud to have teamed with our military and Defense partners in researching evidence-based solutions. We continue to make it our mission to advance the military’s people decisions with better science, from selecting and classifying enlisted personnel and officers to maximizing learning and development to mitigating cyber threats.
Why HumRRO?
Our 60+ year history of conducting basic and applied personnel research for military and Defense organizations, from large-scale, multi-year research programs to small-scale, twelve-month projects.
Our successful record in translating our personnel research into applications or tools that have been implemented or currently being evaluated for operational implementation, from developing the world’s first large scale, operational, computer adaptive test platform, the CAT-ASVAB, to today’s Cyber Test.
Our nationally recognized thought leaders in the military, psychological, and decision sciences, teamed with talented researchers experienced in researching personnel solutions for the military and Defense community.