Effective Leadership
Development & Coaching

HumRRO’s leadership development work ranges from customized supervisory training to experience-based programs that involve coaching.
A key focus of our work involves collaborative leadership—helping leaders work across organizational and cultural boundaries. In each project, we partner with our clients to design and implement programs that reflect their unique culture, mission, and values.
Some examples include:
- Feedback facilitation to leaders participating in the Office of Personnel Management’s Leadership 360™program. Our staff help participants understand their pattern of results, and then use those insights to craft actionable developmental goals.
- Full suite of Coaching services for the Office of the Director of National Intelligence (ODNI). We provided personal one-on-one coaching, matched coaches with clients, recommended assessment tools, tracked the coaching engagements and provided status reports to ODNI, and addressed any challenges or problems that arose.
- Content for 40 hours of supervisory skills training for the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) Office of the Assistant Secretary for Preparedness and Response (ASPR).
- Modular developmental toolkit associated with ODNI’s Intelligence Community 360 program consisting of resources that helped program participants interpret their feedback, set developmental goals, and initiate a coaching engagement.