Are you building a workforce that has the right set of skills to achieve today’s organizational goals – as well as those of the future?
Are you prepared to fill a mission-critical position that suddenly becomes vacant, to project your staffing needs for the next five years, to evaluate the quality of existing human capital strategies?

All of these questions can be answered by articulating human capital strategies and using organizational data to inform and evaluate those strategies. HumRRO has played a key role in helping federal government agencies align their human capital strategies with their changing missions. We have deep knowledge of data and metrics available for government agencies, many of which may also be applicable for private sector organizations.

HumRRO has also worked closely with private sector organizations to identify relevant human capital metrics, and to plan and carry out sophisticated analyses of those data to identify key drivers of important outcome metrics.
Our systematic approach to analyzing current and desired human capital management processes and metrics will provide many useful insights.
Our human capital analytics expertise is grounded in industrial-organizational (I-O) psychology, psychometrics, and statistics. We have a deep understanding of the human side of predictive analytics. Our analysts have extensive experience working with real-world, messy data sets. We know how to apply sophisticated statistical techniques to extract the “data story” from your organization’s human capital data. We will work with you to compile information about the type of data that would be critical for decision-makers, and then work with you to determine how and where that data can be captured within your organization.