HumRRO News

HumRRO Wins HCaTS Contract

2019-11-01T17:58:59-04:00November 28th, 2016|HumRRO News|

Customers can access our services through the new government-wide Human Capital and Training Services (HCaTS) contract, which offers agencies great value and flexibility by supporting all contract types. HCaTS [...]

Debunking Big Data Myths

2019-11-01T18:00:48-04:00October 19th, 2016|HumRRO News|

Data analytics aren’t just for big data situations. In fact, just about any organization can take advantage of approaches to analyzing business data to help them make effective corporate decisions. [...]

HumRRO Hosts Congressional Visits

2019-11-01T18:04:39-04:00July 5th, 2016|HumRRO News|

HumRRO recently hosted several Congressional visits to raise awareness of the value and impact of psychological research through the American Psychological Association’s (APA) "Stand for Science" initiative. In June, the [...]