HumRRO Blogs

Evaluating K-12 Assessment Systems with Reduced Emphasis on Summative End-of-Year Assessments: 4 Lessons Learned About Local Competency-Based Assessments

2025-03-14T10:33:25-04:00March 14th, 2025|HumRRO Blogs|

It can be challenging to build an assessment that authentically measures the depth and breadth of student learning and focuses on important competencies rather than isolated decontextualized academic content [...]

Evaluating K-12 Assessment Systems with Reduced Emphasis on Summative End-of-Year Assessments: 4 Lessons Learned About Growth Assessments

2025-03-13T09:15:02-04:00March 13th, 2025|HumRRO Blogs|

Educators, like most professionals, are given more responsibility as their expertise and experience grow. Most school principals, content specialists, and district-level personnel have been classroom teachers. Because the summative [...]

Evaluating K-12 Assessment Systems with Reduced Emphasis on Summative Year-End Assessments: 5 Lessons Learned About Interim Tests

2025-03-18T08:47:13-04:00March 12th, 2025|HumRRO Blogs|

“Everyone hates summative end-of-year assessments!” Complaints about them are rampant among educators, legislators, parents, students, and even some measurement professionals. The tests come at the wrong time, just when [...]

Critical Role of Interviewer Training in Ensuring Effective Structured Interviews and Benefits of Video-Based Learning

2025-03-13T11:26:35-04:00January 27th, 2025|HumRRO Blogs|

Years of research and experience have demonstrated that structured interviews are highly effective at predicting applicant success, while enhancing more consistent, objective application relative to other assessments. However, the [...]

Using Natural Language Processing to Bring Efficiencies to Educational Alignment Processes

2024-08-08T11:47:58-04:00May 11th, 2023|HumRRO Blogs|

State education assessment programs are required to conduct alignment studies and include the results in their U.S. Department of Education peer review submissions. These time-intensive validity investigations typically involve human [...]