The best talent assessment solutions need to be flexible, efficient, and cost-effective—not to mention reliable, accurate, and legally defensible.
Off-the-shelf (OTS) tests may suffice when evaluating large volumes of applicants for basic entry-level positions (e.g., food service or retail), but when the stakes are high, they do not offer the ability to measure the unique, nuanced factors that truly drive effective job performance.
Organizations need a customized assessment solution for:
- Mission-critical or high-impact positions
- Positions with significant safety implications
- Positions when recruitment and hiring processes need to reflect the organization’s unique brand
Recent Assessment Solutions
Assessments Built to Fit
HumRRO’s business model recognizes that the best assessment solutions directly reflect the unique, “one of a kind” aspects of a particular organization and position.
This allows us to deliver assessments that measure the targeted competencies in a contextually rich and highly accurate way. The result is a process that clearly identifies the candidates who would be best to hire or promote, or highlights an individual’s unique strengths or developmental needs. Given our rich set of capabilities, we are a proven leader in developing a full spectrum of assessments, including:
- Interactive job simulations, such as live and rich-media role plays, in-baskets, and other “day-in-the-life” measures
- “Hands on” performance tests
- Reasoning and cognitive ability tests
- Situational judgment tests
- Job and content knowledge tests
- Biodata
- Structured interviews
- Personality and temperament measures
- Interests and values inventories
This variety of assessment methods affords HumRRO the flexibility to measure nearly any competency, including job/industry knowledge, technical skills, analytical thinking, ethics, leadership, and interpersonal skills. Considering the competencies to be assessed and taking into account the organizational requirements or constraints, we work with stakeholders to determine the most effective assessment methods and delivery modes.
Expert Consulting
Clients also turn to us for expert consulting in assessment planning and implementation. Our employees are not only scientists but also skilled consultants.
For decades, we have combined our extensive business experience drawn from many industries with a client-centered approach to our work. By forming a rich understanding of our clients’ specific needs and context, we have been able to develop personalized assessment approaches for numerous organizations.
For example:
- When resource constraints mandated the elimination of our client’s live in-person assessment center, we collaborated with their most senior leaders to identify a solution that involved creating a virtual, rich-media assessment to evaluate candidates for supervisory promotion.
- When a Fortune 500 client wanted to administer an unproctored assessment to maximize its global search for talent, we consulted extensively on best practices for mitigating applicant cheating, ranging from the use of adaptive test delivery with large-scale item banks to ability verification checks at later stages of the selection process.
- When a federation of licensing boards in the health professions was exploring assessment procedures to supplement their existing multiple-choice knowledge exam, they turned to HumRRO to educate their members on the methods best suited for assessment of entry-level competencies.
- When a client wanted to update their medical conditions entrance standards for a physically demanding job, we conducted a comprehensive job analysis to develop a content-oriented approach to assessing physical abilities.
- When a client was interested in evaluating the impact of a post-hire training program for sales professionals, we designed the process and the supporting tools needed to effectively implement a multi-phased evaluation.
- When a client wanted to repurpose an assessment center originally designed for screening candidates into a mid-level management position, we helped determine which of the competencies measured by the existing assessment center were relevant for the new job and division. We also identified which of the existing exercises were relevant and provided guidance on how to revise the exercises and evaluation tools.
- When a client came to us with multiple versions of a non-cognitive assessment used in their promotion process, we helped them equate scores from alternate versions, set standards for passing the first hurdle, and determine appropriate weights for combining scores from the various assessments.
There is no doubt that a unique, tailored assessment solution offers an organization the ability to obtain a targeted and fine-tuned evaluation. A custom assessment is essential to select applicants for mission-critical, high-impact, and safety-sensitive positions. Whether it is an interactive virtual simulation, a role play exercise with a live assessor, or a brief inventory to determine an individual’s fit, our researchers work with our clients to determine the optimal solution, develop and implement that solution, and monitor and update it as needed. And our assessments are developed for and owned by the client, so there are no ongoing licensing fees.